Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kituluni AntiGravity Hill

Weird goings on at Kituluni hill Ken

Ask about Kituluni hill in Machakos District and people are likely to take you aside and talk in hushed tones about strange goings-on, witchcraft and sightings of ghosts dressed in white.

You will be told about happenings that stand Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravity on its head, such as water flowing uphill.

Some 300 kilometres away from this spot, in Nakuru, equally unlikely stories are told about a mystery cave in the Menengai Crater.

Few places in Kenya, indeed in the world, are without their own stranger-than-fiction stories that defy logical explanation. Outsiders might dismiss them out of hand, but local people hold on to them with a firm conviction.

Kituluni, 12 kilometres east of Machakos town, has long been the subject of speculation, and visitors have travelled for miles to witness the strange goings-on at the extraordinary hill.

It is perhaps the only place in the world where a car that is switched off can roll uphill, unaided.

On the way to Kituluni, one passes through Mutituni and Kivutini. A tarmac road leads toward the strange spot. It is a dangerous drive with tortuous twists and turns. Halfway round the hill, regardless of the speed at which the car might be moving, it is always jerked forward and suddenly moves faster without any discernible change on the speedometer.

Kituluni hill covers an area of about a square kilometre, and if you want to prove that the hill is indeed as strange as it is said to be, you can carry out a few experiments.If you switch off the car and park it at the side of the road with nobody inside, it immediately begins to move up the hill at a speed of approximately 5kph.

It has been known to do this for a distance of up to a kilometre, and just to prove that this is no fluke, it has been done over and over again with the same results. Although the Kituluni spot lies on a very steep part of the hill, experiments carried out with water produce the same results. Water can be seen flowing up the hill, instead of down.

For about 20 metres, the water flows in this manner until it changes course and flows to the side, but even then it never at any one point flows downhill. The same pattern is repeated when an empty bottle is placed on the spot and even though it only rolls for a few metres, it moves all the same.

The villagers claim to have an explanation for this strange phenomenon.

It is said that many years ago the local people used to make sacrifices to their ancestors on the hill. In those days the area was known collectively as Kivutini. The sacrifices were meant to appease the ancestors and seek favours from them, such as bringing rain or casting out evil spirits.

There was an altar where special rituals were performed, and was thus regarded as a holy place. Things changed when the road passing through the area from Machakos town towards Kaloleni was constructed and people were forced to conduct their ceremonies further down the hill.

Although the road has been around for quite a few years, no one seems to remember when the strange happenings currently being witnessed started. Villagers say they have even seen strange people dressed in white who vanish as mysteriously as they appear.
Even though experts still hold a sceptical view on the area, no serious study has been conducted to explain the strange phenomenon.

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